Dear Giderians,
I've been working on a Gideros project (and still do) that involved showing and computing millions of elements, and began to hit the limits of what luau can do. Of course writing a native plugin was an option, but I wanted to get the most out of luau before resorting to writing a plugin, and discovered various ways to improvement luau performance.
This new release of Gideros integrates those changes, which are:
- buffers
Since Gideros 2025.1 luau benefits from a native buffer type, which can hold raw binary data. If you used to handle raw data in strings, buffers can provide significant boost. See full original buffer API here: while this API is nice already, I thought it would be great if buffers could be used just like arrays, so I added a buffer.setarrayaccess(buffer,dataType,dim2,dim3) call for that. It makes accessing buffer values as an array both easier and faster.
dataType can be u8,s8,u16,s16,u32,s32,f32 and f64 (for unsigned int/signed int/float types with their bit size).
width and height allow index a buffer with a vector. In that case the buffer index becomes z*dim3+y*dim2+x.
Buffers are not just fast, they also consume less memory. In luau, every value is 16 bytes long, whatever it is. If you just need an array of bytes, using a buffer instead of a table saves 16x the memory.
A few Gideros calls have been updated to accept buffers as input, since it is also more efficient to use buffer data directly than to grab each array value individually.
Specifically, you can now construct textures from buffers and even provide raw texture data, not necessarily RGBA.
- luau fast paths
Luau VM has had many optimizations regarding frequently used functions calls (math,pairs,ipairs,etc) for a long time, but they are only enabled if luau can be sure those functions are what they ought to be, that is they can't be redefined by lua code.
In Gideros you can always redefine functions, although it is unlikely one will ever want to redefine those I mentionned. This mean that these optimizations weren't enabled.
This new Gideros introduces a new global function setsafeenv(flags), which tells luau the global envrionement is "safe" and so enbales optimizations. flags parameter indicates which optimizations to enable, and you'll probably want them all by using -1 value.
- raw iterator
lua next() and pairs() calls works on keys, which means that luau have to lookup the previous key to find the next one on each iteration. Enabling optimizations with the above call enables a fast path for 'for' loops with a 'pairs' call, but nothing is done if you use them outside a 'for' loop.
But luau 'C' API had a lua_rawiter() call which allowed to keep an internal index during key/value pairs iterations, so I made it available to lua code.
With Gideros 2025.2, your apps will run faster!
Full change log:
New features[luau] Add key,value,nextindex=rawiter(table,index) function
[luau/buffer] Added buffer.resize(buffer, newSize, dataOffset)
[luau/buffer] Added buffer.extract(buffer, offset, size)
[core] Add Core.setAutoYield() to change auto yield capability of async tasks
[gfx/path] Add a getPathOffset() call to get the distance of a point in the path from the beginning
Improvements[luau] Improve table clone
[luau] Enable fast-path optimizations for pairs/fastcalls through setsafeenv(flags)
[gfx/texture] Support creating and updating from luau buffers
[gfx/texture] Allow uploading raw textures from buffers
[examples] update Tiled demo Sewers
Fixes[qt/mac] Fix plugin path
[gfx/particles] Fix multi texture rendering
[backend/gl2] Fix vertex divisor setting
[gfx/mesh] Fix and improve setGenericArray() when using buffers
[gfx/mesh] Check indices values
[core/threads] Provision for checking if threads should be stopped
[pixel] Remove static VBO after last use
[qt/screen] Change code to be more in line with what should have been done
Download it from here:
on the other hand the issues with macs are not gone for me. when quitting i still get an error report. see here
and even more importantly, second screen is still not working correctly. now the screen is not grey, but still i can only see the animation (flying birds) when i keep resizing the window.
(i'm testing on mac gideros studio, running the player)
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
For the crash on exit, I fixed a case with unreleased common VBO for Pixel class, but the same was done for Bitmap. The commit above fixes that too.
However the crash report you sent isn't symbolicated so its hard to tell if that was it.
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
to Gideros r3d
hope this is fine?
Likes: hgy29
I have released Gideros 2025.2.1 a few minutes ago, with minor fixes.
Likes: MoKaLux, PaulH, keszegh, pie, SinisterSoft
i've also tried to export with new version from windows a mac app and run it on mac. that did not show anything on the opened second screen and then crashed after a few seconds.
here is an error report:
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
I solved it by uninstalling a third party utility I had (SwitchResX).
in any case it is hard to reach users with such specific solutions, so of course it would be nice if it would work properly on 'most' macs. but as for now i'd be already pleased if it would work on the mac i have right now.
btw i can export mac app from windows gideros studio. but i was unable to export the mac app from a mac gideros studio, it does not ask for the same key but it seems it needs some apple signing key. this has to be bought or has to just be generated somehow? am i missing something?
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
About exporting from win or mac, obviously windows doesn't have the tools to sign mac apps, so the whole signing process is just skipped. The signing key on mac is typically tied to your Apple developer subscription (paid). Maybe it can be acquired elsewhere, but that would be paid too anyway. You can probably create your own signing key, but it won't be recognized by apple.
about the more important issue of the scaling, it is very strange, i wish i had some idea what to do, as my app's usefulness relies heavily on the second window feature, without it mac users cannot use it to project their work on public events, which is overall the point of my app.
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
on the other hand screen demo that works in player (second window shows stuff, even if in wrong place) for me does not work exported (nothing is visible in second window).
link to project and export:
also my actual app (fragmenter) exported from mac crashes when second window is opened, here is the error report:
thanks for having a look.
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game