OK I hit a small problem. I wanted to put all of my images inside one TexturePack, including a BMFont image, but BMFont only worked with filenames.
I have made a couple of minor changes to BMFont.lua so now you can place your font into a texture with all of your other graphics to cut down on the number graphics switches OpenGL uses. It is accessed like so:
local theTexture = TexturePack.new("menu-textures.txt","menu-textures.png")
local fontx, fonty = theTexture:getLocation("test_24_0.png")
local font = BMFont.new("test_24.fnt",{texture=theTexture,xo=fontx,yo=fonty}) |
Hopefully this may increase the framerates I am getting. The changes are listed below:
Normal use as before
BMFont:init("fontfile", "imagefile", filtering)
Modified use to enable font to be part of a larger texture filtering should be applied when texture is loaded
xoffset, yoffset= theTexture:getLocation("test_24_0.png")
BMFont:init("fontfile", {texture=theTexture, xo=xoffset, yo=yoffset})
function BMFont:init(fontfile, imagefile, filtering)
if type(imagefile) == "string" then
-- load font texture
self.texture = Texture.new(imagefile, filtering)
self.xoffset = 0
self.yoffset = 0
-- Texture is passed as part of a table
self.texture = imagefile.texture
self.xoffset = imagefile.xo
self.yoffset = imagefile.yo
-- read glyphs from font.txt and store them in chars table
self.chars = {}
file = io.open(fontfile, "rt")
for line in file:lines() do
if startsWith(line, "char ") then
local char = lineToTable(line)
self.chars[char.id] = char
end |
function BMTextField:createCharacters()
-- remove all children
for i=self:getNumChildren(),1,-1 do
-- create a TextureRegion from each character and add them as a Bitmap
local x = 0
local y = 0
for i=1,#self.str do
local char = self.font.chars[self.str:byte(i)]
if char ~= nil then
-- Changed to add font texture offset to character offsets
local region = TextureRegion.new(self.font.texture, char.x+self.font.xoffset, char.y+self.font.yoffset, char.width, char.height)
local bitmap = Bitmap.new(region)
bitmap:setPosition(x + char.xoffset, y + char.yoffset)
x = x + char.xadvance
self.lineWidth = x
end |
Hope some of you find this useful.
My apps: http://www.yummyyellow.com