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Olifant in Het Bad : Elephant's Bath is available in Dutch! — Gideros Forum

Olifant in Het Bad : Elephant's Bath is available in Dutch!

denizdeniz Maintainer
Elephant's bath for Dutch : Olifant in Het Bad is today published in the app store. (FREE)



Likes: avo, phongtt, hgvyas123

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  • avoavo Member
    great! I just downloaded and 5 starred the original english version :)

    has localizing it been worthwhile download wise? I am curious about the relative volume of other app stores compared to US.
  • denizdeniz Maintainer
    Turkish version is downloaded as much as English version. I am also curious about how it will go in Dutch version. I will keep you posted:) (Turkish version made it to top #1 in books in iPad and iPhone. English version was top #22 in US, #20 in UK in books)

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  • gorkemgorkem Maintainer
    @deniz we must blog about it, if not have a front page slider :)
  • pmannapmanna Member
    Uitstekend! (excellent, in Dutch)
    I'd be interested in understanding the (technical?) reasons behind having multiple versions instead of a multi-language one...
  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    I guess it's more of a marketing aspect, rather than technical reason. If not, I wish to know too. Have created little class to help me with localization, hopefully didn't waste my time. :)
  • MichalMichal Member
    I'd be interested in understanding the (technical?) reasons behind having multiple versions instead of a multi-language one...
    Application size? Multilingual game would be huge, and may not fit on every device.
  • denizdeniz Maintainer

    Actually Filin Banyosu is multi language. It is available in Turkish and English.

    We did not plan to do it in Dutch. After we launched the book, a parent from Dutch, who knows also Turkish, loved the book and contacted us. His wife translated it to Dutch and read it. And asked me if we could publish also in Dutch.

    So instead of an update, I decided to change the code. It also keeps the size smaller, you need to add all language files to the project but it does not make a huge difference. For every language added the size goes up as much as the reading mp3 size.

    You could say it is for the marketing reasons. :)

  • pmannapmanna Member

    Application size? Multilingual game would be huge, and may not fit on every device.
    Why? If, as it happens here, there's audio, then I agree, it gets bigger, but if text stays as text, and not "burnt" into an image, then difference is certainly negligible.

    I have decided to go the multi language way for one of my apps, and had something similar to @ar2rsawseen class: actually, I think technically it gets harder with multiple versions, that's why I was curious!
  • denizdeniz Maintainer
    I know what you mean. It is hard to keep up with different versions.

    For this case, Dutch version was not planned initially and I did not want to add a new language to the menu and update. Next time I want to support more languages including French, German, Italian, Spanish, Arabic... and design from the start.

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