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Deplpying to Windows Store (compiling/linking) for ARM and x64 devices — Gideros Forum

Deplpying to Windows Store (compiling/linking) for ARM and x64 devices

kussakovkussakov Member
edited September 2015 in General questions
When I export Gideros app as WinRT project it creates two "solutions". "giderosgame.Windows" and "giderosgane.WindowsPhone".

I can compile giderosgame.Windows for win32, but can't do it for ARM and x64 devices (linking errors).

So if I want to post our app to the Windows store it will not work on ARM tablets (like Surface).

Do I need to do something special or this is not supported at this time?




  • john26john26 Maintainer
    Accepted Answer
    currently it isn't supported as we only supply x86 libs for Windows and ARM libs for Windows Phone (both Release mode). In principle we could supply also ARM for Windows (and even x86 for Windows Phone -- could be used for emulators) but there is an issue of the size of these libs. Gideros.Windows.lib and Gideros.WindowsPhone.lib are over 100 Mb each so if we start putting all combinations (x64 as well) in the Gideros package it gets quite big.

    The other thing is that Microsoft has officially abandoned Windows RT as an operating system (ie ARM tablets running Windows, WOA, which did not support desktop apps). The Surface and Surface 2 had ARM versions but Surface 3 is only in "pro" version which is Intel. So ARM Windows is kind of dead. On the other hand, there are tablets out there so it might be worth supporting in. In the past, I made limited attempts to support it with some other software but it failed the WACK when I submitted to the app store. I didn't have a WOA tablet so couldn't trace the error.

    But we could certainly add Windows ARM in principle to Gideros. How many people would like to see this?
  • Thank you for the explanation! Makes sense.

    I am guessing that ARM tablets are not a big market and we can live without Windows ARM.
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