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20 Minutes to Awesome — Gideros Forum

20 Minutes to Awesome

bowerandybowerandy Guru
edited October 2012 in General questions

You may know, if you've been following some of the other threads on this forum that I've recently got myself all worked up (in a good way) about the integration between Gideros and an open source IDE/Debugger called ZeroBrane Studio. Well, apart from giving us debugging features (and ones that work on a real mobile device) it also has a rather nifty Live Coding feature. Frankly, this is what I've been looking for, for years, so I've spent some time putting together a demo to show what its capable of. Thanks to @paulclinger for all his help while putting this together.

You can watch the video of this over at my blog in the entry entitled 20 Minutes to Awesome.

I'm afraid, I got so excited, there's quite a lot of waffle in that article but you can always jump straight to the video, if you're in a rush. I hope you find it interesting.

Best regards
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