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Texture Packer - criteria to order the frames — Gideros Forum

Texture Packer - criteria to order the frames

DrixDrix Member
edited November 2012 in General questions
I wonder why the Texture Packer creates the sprite sheet by arranging the frames at this order (take a look at the order after the frame 13):

I would like to know the criteria in order to use my own code to capture the texture regions.

A doubt: Does Gideros internally convert images to power of 2? I have been trying non power of 2 images as spritesheets and bitmaps and they seem to work fine... Is there some restriction regarding that?

Thanks in advance


  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    Accepted Answer
    It starts to pack from the upper left corner. But I doubt this information will be useful to you.

    Afaik, TexturePacker (http://www.codeandweb.com/texturepacker) allows you to specify the packing order and it supports Gideros' texture pack format.

    > Does Gideros internally convert images to power of 2?
  • Hi to all, is there any sample Gideros project which demonstrate usage of TexturePacker?

  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    edited February 2013
    what do you mean usage of TexturePacker (how to pack textures or how to use packed textures)?

    If how to pack textures, then it's relatively easy, you just open Texture packer, create new project, add images, save project (for later modifications if any) and export texture.

    If how to use packed textures, then there is a Texture Pack example project bundled with Gideros Studio. You can view list of example projects when Gideros Studio is opened but no projects are opened. There will be one with the Tim the Timber in the boat. ;)
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