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Android apk problems — Gideros Forum

Android apk problems

moopfmoopf Guru
edited January 2013 in General questions
I've just exported my application using the latest version of Gideros and installed the apk on my Acer A100. I'm encountering the following problems and I really don't know where to look first (my Android experience isn't high):

1. It periodically (about a minute after starting a game) will show the pause screen and exit the app. When I launch the game again, it's obvious that the Pause screen is coming up because either application suspend or application exit (presumably exit) is being called as the game state is being reloaded correctly again.
2. Launching it again, about half the time I can't interact with it and then an Android dialog box comes up saying that the application isn't responding and would I like to force close it.

I'm having no problems on iOS exports, nor in the simulator. Not sure where to start with these. Does anybody have any suggestions? The Android export from Gideros is a completely fresh export (not just assets)


  • @ar2rsawseen - I'm getting this:
    01-11 11:07:58.810: D/Gideros(2486): *CppLuaBridge::luaEvent* stack NOT ok begin:2 end:13 delta:0
    01-11 11:07:58.810: D/Gideros(2486): *EventDispatcherBinder::dispatchEvent* stack NOT ok begin:2 end:13 delta:0
    01-11 11:07:58.810: D/Gideros(2486): *CppLuaBridge::luaEvent* stack NOT ok begin:2 end:13 delta:0
    01-11 11:07:58.810: D/Gideros(2486): *EventDispatcherBinder::dispatchEvent* stack NOT ok begin:2 end:13 delta:0
    01-11 11:07:58.810: D/Gideros(2486): *visit(EnterFrameEvent* v)* stack NOT ok begin:0 end:13 delta:0
    01-11 11:07:58.810: D/Gideros(2486): *CppLuaBridge::luaEvent* stack NOT ok begin:0 end:13 delta:0
    01-11 11:07:58.810: D/Gideros(2486): *enterFrame* stack NOT ok begin:0 end:13 delta:0
    01-11 11:07:58.810: D/Gideros(2486): ?:0: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
    01-11 11:07:58.810: D/Gideros(2486): stack traceback:
    01-11 11:07:58.810: D/Gideros(2486): 	?: in function 'settleDroppedPiece'
    01-11 11:07:58.810: D/Gideros(2486): 	?: in function 'dropPiece'
    01-11 11:07:58.810: D/Gideros(2486): 	?: in function <?:1180>
    01-11 11:08:09.230: E/libEGL(2486): call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread)
    I thought it might be a problem caused by the game re-organising itself based on screen size (with a bigger board area on the this tablet as the ratio is different) but I've used the same resolution in the desktop player and I can't get that to crash. Really confused at the moment!
  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    Accepted Answer
    Have never seen such error before.
    Do you use any kind of plugins?

    it seems that you have a nil value (propably you try to access proeprty using nil as key) in your enterframe event somewhere in dropPiece function.

    But I really don't know why it happens only with exported apk.
  • No, no plugins in use. My thought is that if my code is accessing a property incorrectly I'd be able to reproduce it in the desktop player, or have a crash on iOS as well, and I'm not hence why I'm so confused!

    I'm going to upload the Android player and run it through that, see if that same thing happens.
  • moopfmoopf Guru
    edited January 2013
    @ar2rsawseen - ok, it happens in the Android player as well and I've tracked it down and added an extra check in to resolve it. However, I'm confused why this is only happening when running on an Android device. From what I've seen from my debugging it looks related to timer events behaving a little differently on Android - being triggered when they shouldn't be, although I can't quite put my finger on it at the moment but it seems to me that a timer is being triggered when the game is in a state where it shouldn't be and the timer should actually be off. I don't know if it's a bug or not, but it seems really odd that the problem doesn't happen in the desktop player nor on iOS.

    Going to chalk it up to 'one of those things' :D
  • Just curious but is you android armv6?
  • No, it's an armv7
  • JaviJavi Member
    Accepted Answer
    Timers are always really inaccurate, are you using them, for example, to update data or to load/delete resources?
    I'd bet that it's caused by timers working out of sync between it/them and the main "thread", and the bug arises mainly on a slow system.

    Likes: moopf

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  • Hi @Javi - I'm going to double-check how I'm using timers (I'm not using many) as I think you may be right about this. It certainly tallies with what I've seen today.
  • I am getting the same error on iOS (device or emulator).
    For me it happened after upgrading Gideros to 2013.09.1
    Same project with Gideros 2013.06 works...
    Go figure...

    *visit(EnterFrameEvent* v)* stack NOT ok begin:0 end:3 delta:0
    *CppLuaBridge::luaEvent* stack NOT ok begin:0 end:3 delta:0
    *enterFrame* stack NOT ok begin:0 end:3 delta:0
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