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Near finished but what next (FB, Ads, IAP) — Gideros Forum

Near finished but what next (FB, Ads, IAP)

ArtLeeAppsArtLeeApps Member
edited July 2013 in General questions
Hi all,

I've done just about what i want in Gideros Studio/player with my first game.

I have buttons for IAP, and Share on FB.

I now need to:

- build the APK (android)
- Add the SDK for FB (and create the app page in FB) http://giderosmobile.com/forum/discussion/2929/facebook-android-plugin#Item_46
- upload to Google Play as a draft so i can create my IAP items, and the Blurb/artwork etc.
- I want a full page Ad to show at the end of some levels within the game. (so im thinking the new Beta Ad plugin http://giderosmobile.com/labs/ads-interface )

My question (finally):
as some of these things require you to build or upload the app, and add plugins.
What order would you do these in ?


  • john26john26 Maintainer
    I'd try to get the basic app running on an actual Android device then worry about FB and IAP later. Set aside a full day to install the Android SDK. You also need to install Java 6 (JDK and runtime), and Eclipse. You'll need to test on a real device connected to your computer by USB, don't bother with Android Virtual Devices as they don't work!

    Once the app is running on a real Android device, you can upload to Google Play. You'll need icons in various sizes, promotion art etc. Set aside another full day for this. Also the app needs to be signed. You need to create a keystore valid for 40 years (or something like that) and jump through numerous other hoops. Eclipse does a lot of this for you. You also need to sign up as a Google developer and pay them $25.

    I've never used FB and IAP but I'd recommend getting comfortable with the above before starting that. It's a steep learning curve.

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  • @john26 Thanks for the reply. I have already published Native Android apps, so i have the developer login, SDK, etc, and keystore and have used Admob from the Manifest file etc.

    Just never from Gideros.
    i am in process of trying to clean build an imported Gideros project... i have another discussion trying to fix that part lol

    im guessing after i upload to google as a draft, them ill try to plug in the facebook, ads and IAP.
    (i havent done Facebook or IAP before.)

    One of my native apps, was a Buy to download thing, so that was easy to set up.

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