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Opinions: Do you think it is beneficial, or risky to blog about an upcoming game? — Gideros Forum

Opinions: Do you think it is beneficial, or risky to blog about an upcoming game?

amaximovamaximov Member
edited August 2013 in General questions

I've been working on a Gideros based game for ~ 5 weeks now and have most of the core in place. I was thinking about blogging about it as well as share the news to get a head start on marketing the game. I was wondering if anybody thinks this is "dangerous" for your game idea to get stolen by someone or any other possible concern. Not to say my idea is a killer, but I am a bit nervous sharing info with people other than my friends about an incomplete game. Any opinions?

Additionally: Do you think screenshots are dangerous to post for fear of someone stealing your "style" of graphics along with your idea?


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