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SPAM really getting out of hand — Gideros Forum

SPAM really getting out of hand

OZAppsOZApps Guru
edited October 2013 in General questions
With this new halknulker whatever user, there are a couple of posts. Understand that the Forum software has limitations on what it can and what it cannot do,

1. is there some way of limiting a new user to post more than 1 post in a week, though they can reply as many times to their own post.

2. Can there be a catchpa for the initial post, that way you can eliminate scripted multiple spam

3. restrict any new user to post for a week (cooling off period) so a spammer has to come back after a week and if the account spams, block it/ban it or black list it, make a note of the IP

4. Can other users have the provision to mark a message as spam, if more than 4/5 users mark it as spam, the message is not displayed and then @ar2rsawseen can delete it or check why it was marked as spam.
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