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No blog update in Months? — Gideros Forum

No blog update in Months?

DudDud Member
edited June 2014 in General questions
Hi all,

I have used Gideros in the past and am considering it again for my next project, however I notice that there doesn't seem to have been many updates to the blog recently - which is never a good sign and doesn't give me much confidence in Gideros' future.

I realise Gideros is a small company but there really is no excuse for not keeping people informed of progress so I'd like to know what is the current state of the product and why hasn't there been any updates to the blog recently?

I liked Gideros as a tool, but with Marmalade's recent announcement of a free version of their product I'm really looking for a good reason to stick with Gideros - but without regular blog updates thats not so easy to do.


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