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Big memory leak in new Gideros! — Gideros Forum

Big memory leak in new Gideros!

billydbbillydb Member
edited September 2015 in General questions
I've been trying to track down a memory leak (with the help of bowerandy's excellent "leaky") and it's been completely mystifying until, as a last resort, i tried downloading an earlier Gideros (2015.04.18) version and bingo! it disappeared.

I tried the release before the last and also old backups of the game (that I know had no memory leaks) but it still had the memory leak so either something is up with the newer versions of Gideros or I'm doing something that is no longer supported/ advised.

I'm using box2d, tntParticles, tilemaps (via a modified TiledAsWorldEditor), 2 global texture packs setup in the main class and, as a framework, ar2rsawseen's Game Template.

Please help!



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