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realtime multiplayer with google play services? — Gideros Forum

realtime multiplayer with google play services?

piepie Member
edited January 2016 in General questions
I never used it yet, but theoretically it is already available in googleplay plugin - which I believe is not up to date.


Did someone try it recently?

@ar2rsawseen or other guys with comparable skills, is there any chance to see it updated?
I would do it but unfortunately I am lacking the required knowledge :-/ .. I don't even know if it's an "easy" or "impossible" task :D but I think it's something worth keeping alive since as i understand it would provide "free" turn based and real time multiplayer support without the need to maintain a standalone server.

Am I the only one interested?

Thank you

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  • Even when it was up to date, I could not make multiplayer work, one intent just did not fire an activity for me.
    And now it is a long way from being up to date and it is possible that even networking part that was there already have changed.

    And of course it would only work for Google Play market.
  • piepie Member
    Thank you @ar2rsawseen, that's bad news :)
    Why do you say it would only work for Google Play market?

    Of course it would need google play services, but from my understanding it seems that it should work for android, ios and a generic c++ API


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  • That's interesting. If it's for both Android and iOS this could be very useful.
    My Gideros games: www.totebo.com
  • antixantix Member
    edited January 2016
    You're not the only one interested pie, I too am looking at real-time multiplayer games right now.

    I'm looking at testing this right now and the google system is ridiculously convoluted.

    It's a bit like most google things.. good on paper ;)

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  • Hmm, interesting
    by the time when I was working on it, it did not provide iOS multiplayer, so I thought it would only be GooglePlay market thing. But maybe it is not.

    Unfortunately, I'm still backed with stuff I want to make for Gideros :)

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  • piepie Member
    antix I really hope that you or someone else can understand how to make it work.

    If there is a chance to do it with a kickstarter project count me in, I'd prefer to invest my bit of money in something for the community than rent a server :)
  • Thanks for your vote on confidence pie, I think it's out of my league however. for now I am concentrating on noobHub.
  • Why not expand noobhub to do what you want? Isn't it all open source?

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    Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!).
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  • After a quick browse through the Google Play Multiplayer docs I can conclude:

    1. The player needs to be logged in with a Google account
    2. This is "traditional" multiplayer, in that you communicate with a server to get information about "rooms" and "users". This is unlike Noobhub, which is client based messaging only.
    My Gideros games: www.totebo.com
  • @SinisterSoft - That would be fine and dandy if I/we knew how to accomplish that. Really having something that just works and is easy to use would be fantastic (without having to code it ourselves) :)

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  • piepie Member
    edited January 2016
    Not just that, I'd like to invest in my own server (with everything that comes with: settings, maintenance and security issues) but there is a great risk of having a money black hole that I can't keep up, disappointing my few loyal users.. :P

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  • antixantix Member
    edited January 2016
    @pie - I agree completely. what if you move house and that kind of thing? That kind of forces you into renting somebody elses servers.

    Have you ever looked at AppWarp or PubNub? Both have some free plans and both have code for Corona. I'm looking at AppWarp now, and will post something if I can get it working :)

    However, PubNub looks a lot easier.

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  • Another reason to use rented servers is lag in a real-time multiplayer game. You'd want to connect the user to a datacenter close to where they are geographically. With Noobhub I get around 35ms RTT London <> Frankfurt and 120ms London <> Oregon. This is the difference between a smooth and accurate experience and a jumpy and laggy one.
    My Gideros games: www.totebo.com
  • Do let us know if PubNub or AppWarp are worth looking into!
    My Gideros games: www.totebo.com
  • I found some old pubnub code by ndoss and even though it works, it is for a very old version. I found the pubnub console online quite unfriendly. AppWarp looked promising but again I could not get it working, even with their examples.

    I am now looking at noobhub, trying to modify it to have more features. I'm not fluent with Java so it's an uphill slog :((
  • Ok, that's a shame.

    What features do you need in Noobhub? I've modified the server for my game a bit, and I'm in a similar Java situation. PM me and I can send you the details, and maybe help with some of the logic.
    My Gideros games: www.totebo.com
  • The features I am currently trying to add are..
    - When connecting to "global" channel, client is sent list of all channels.
    - Client can create new passworded channels
    - Simple query feature (to list players, kick players, etc)

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  • Wow, that's cool. I like that the server is not working too hard (because it should mean more total concurrent players), but the player matching and keeping a limited number of players in each channel would be handy. Maybe the client could request to join a game room and the server picks a suitable one (that's not full) and subscribes them to it.

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    My Gideros games: www.totebo.com
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  • @totebo - Those features would be cool. I'm not sure if I am good enough to add them, I'm still trying to get the thing to keep track of connections :)
  • Ha ha, Godspeed! Meanwhile I'm busy building this functionality client side in Lua. Wish me luck. :)
    My Gideros games: www.totebo.com
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  • @totebo - cool. Good luck to you too :)
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