Hi Atilim,
regarding this topic
http://giderosmobile.com/forum/discussion/777/question-about-permission-if-i-create-a-lua-coder-using-loadstringI had some negative thoughts about it. But it seems that I am overreacting to this. So please ignore this. It is no request after all anymore.
Obviously I'm not very informed on this topic.
Wouldn't any code written in the app have to stay inside the app? And even if it were uploaded through the web, it wouldn't work without having Gideros Studio installed.
I'd like to have a Gideros Studio compliant coding app on my iPad, so I can code away from home.
I am extremely bothered with this thought but I am also badly against piracy in total and for others it is perfectly fine. Guess I have different standards.
I admire your passion, Mike
However, if they can only write some code or whatever in the app itself and run it live on their device then I don't think it would be a problem? It would be best if credit was given here as well for the tech in the app.
This actually gave me an idea for a promotional app Gideros could make themselves. If they put out the player onto the app store bundled with some demo code that the user could edit through an interface and see the results live, we could promote that to other developers as an easy way to instantly see how easy/fast Gideros is to use, and how cool the player is for development.
Just a random thought
Instant Apple rejection. Attempting to run code downloaded from outside the sandbox = "not in this life sonny"
Granted Android is a different thing - but then the only functions that would be available would be the existing Gideros ones (which are FREE anyway) so there seems little point
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
Here is my current plan of functions to block:
1. LoadString
2. File I/O
3. Flurry
4. Store kit
5. Some stuff under Application
More functions that won't work or pose a threat? Just LMK. But I guess people do tend to look at the code before running it...
Edit: Oh... And until I add integration, I'll block fonts and texture packs.
@Zoyt, you seem to be an intelligent and smart kid, you have lots of ideas, I would suggest just one thing to you, Focus, You are all over the place. You might not have been born when Java was first released, it was supposed to be a sandbox environment that would not allow access to the file system and run in the browser like an applet. Today it is causing Macs to be used like Bots. The point is that every developer has a different need, and the better frameworks are the ones that let the devs choose not restrict them. So I fail to see the point in your attempts to sandbox that. I know that this is rather funny, if you want a sandboxed, limited API, you can have a look at the Mexican Beer framework. One of the reason that many devs have migrated from there over to here is the ability to do more.
Lastly, if anyone wants to make an app using loadstring, then the best solution is to build your own SDK, lua will execute the code using loadstring, it is all about wrapping OpenGL with lua.
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps