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iAd / adMob etc — Gideros Forum

iAd / adMob etc

avoavo Member
edited June 2012 in General questions
So far there is the great contribution of @pmanna here: http://www.giderosmobile.com/forum/discussion/comment/5899#Comment_5899 which is an iAd implementation and Arturs showed how to make that for admob here:

What I'm wondering is if anyone is working on or has implemented for their own use a plugin for iAd/admob or any other ad networks, or even started working on it but not finished etc.

I think an easy to implement ad solution is a strong feature that we as Giderosians (:P) can point to as a something that Gideros can do that others can not.

So anyway just wanted to put that out there, I wish I already had the ability to create it myself, even though I don't really need it personally at the moment.


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