So far there is the great contribution of
@pmanna here: which is an iAd implementation and Arturs showed how to make that for admob here: I'm wondering is if anyone is working on or has implemented for their own use a plugin for iAd/admob or any other ad networks, or even started working on it but not finished etc.
I think an easy to implement ad solution is a strong feature that we as Giderosians (:P) can point to as a something that Gideros can do that others can not.
So anyway just wanted to put that out there, I wish I already had the ability to create it myself, even though I don't really need it personally at the moment.
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By adding self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor] or any color works.
in the case you dont want plugin and simply want to integrate ad directly then you can take a look at this files. this method is similar to
Here is the Gideros example exported IOS project with AdMob posted long time ago.
It might help
not everyone needs AdMob though, so we should search for it on the forum. Gideros apps are monetizable for sure
Not everybody needs Shapes or Timers or smth else. But it documented. And no information about most popular ads system.
IMO Shapes and Timers for games are essential.
But, i think it depends on your needs, people will prioritize what they need. However, concluding Gideros apps shouldnt be monetized is going too far.
AdMob is supported trough unofficial plugin, and unofficial means, Gideros core team dont have any responsibility to document it on official API though.
I think that it should be up to the developer of the plugin to provide documentation/support. If you think that support or documentation for a plugin is lacking in someway, you can always contact the original developer and ask them if they would add better support or documentation or whether they would be prepared to let you take over and provide it yourself.
Would you expect Adobe to supply documentation and support for a 3rd party Photoshop plugin? No, so why expect Gideros to add official documentation or support for third party plugins.
And I've been juggling between different plugins right now, progressing a little with one, a little with other (Some ad frameworks, some achievement/leaderoboard APIs, some in-apps, some other stuff been requested in plugins). Will have to finish finally at least something
But Gideros isn't free, so i expect to return my money using ads:)
I just want something like this:
Again, the 2 examples you provided are for libraries supplied by the framework developers as part of the framework, NOT 3rd party plugins.
Also, as an aside, the Corona page you linked to is incomplete as the Functions section has 3 links to Ads library which only let you know what they are linking to if you hover over it.
I want ads from "box". Not from plugins.
I can't really understand why you think that this functionality should be on developers side. It is like for apps users. You sell him a game, but he can't jump. He should write some functions to jump. Or find smbdy who write it for your game and try to understand how it works.
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( )
Cool Vizify Profile at
I bought a Mac, but it is useless, because i can't submit any of my apps without ads.
I spent a day trying to implement admob using google manual, but gideros project doesn't start for me
I don't know Obj-C at all. I'm just doing what is written in manual.
have you seen the files i had attached above ?
nope, i don't really understand you before.
Thank you, i'll try it today.
My project builds successfully, but terminated with
libc++abi.dylib: terminate called throwing an exception
And throw me on main.m
I can't understand why and what i'm doing wrong
xcode always point you to main.m regardless or errors it need some debugging to find out the actual error most common errors are missing of any required framework and as into the latest admob sdk google has dropped the support for armv6 device that might be the issue set minimum ios version to 4.3 and build for only armv7. you might need latest xcode also
[bannerView_ loadRequest:[GADRequest request]];
It is build only for armv7 and ios version is 4.3. Latest Xcode. When i was lack of frameworks it doesn't build and shows some errors. But now i just stuck on this and can't understand where to find solution. I have same problem even with google example banner.
You need to add -ObjC to the Other Linker Flags of your application target's build setting:
Click the blue top-level project icon in XCode
Choose your target and go to Build Settings
Under Other Linker Flags add -ObjC for both Release and Debug
Admob works now for me. Thanks.