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First app/impressions using Gideros — Gideros Forum

First app/impressions using Gideros

I'd like to start off by saying Gideros is pretty amazing (personal comparisons below).

The app is called Thready and is a simple game.
Store description: "Thready requires the simple act of threading squares through a bigger square. The real question is: how long can you keep threading?"


Hope you enjoy and critical feedback is always welcome!

Here's some comparisons with other SDKs I've tried to create the same app:
Construct 2: Cost Money. Super easy but the performance was low.
Phaser: Free. Better performance than C2 but lags on mobile (as hybrid app).
Corona: Free. Great performance but app size became huge when adding AdMob and began lagging.
Gideros: Free. Great performance, relatively good app size and 0 lag with AdMob.
I also tried other such as Cocos2d-x but weren't successful.

My only problem with Gideros is how difficult it was to find. I happened to stumble upon it, after a lot of searching for SDKs. IMO it should be in lists along with Corona and Unity.
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