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Power Solitaire is coming soon! — Gideros Forum

Power Solitaire is coming soon!

Hi all,
Finally my first iPad game is done and I'm happy how it looks and feels. I ported my flash game and it's much better to play on touch screen then in browser. It took me nearly 4 months to do it but I have to say I learn a lot! The easiest part was to make working prototype, I was new to lua but found it very easy to learn and in 2 months I got fully playable game. You may ask what I was doing another 2 months... answer is simple I tried to make it look as a game and that wasn't trivial.
The biggest problem for me is lack of filters in Gideros, as a result it's not possible to apply shadow or glow to the sprites and text. I don't like how plain text looks so I spend a huge amount of time to find way how to add a simple glow to dynamic textfields. Eventually I made it, but it's very laborous way and if you got it wrong you need to start it over again :(. For comparision in Flash it takes 5 sec to achieve the same result.

Also at very last moment I decided to add leaderboard to the game. I used UIKit plugin (Big thanks to @MikeHart and @Caroline) to get keyboard input and managed to get leaderboard working. I'll be glad to publish leaderboard code if someone need it.

All in all Gideros is great product and I really like it. Hopefuly I will find time to port my other games..

@atilim, @gorkem please consider to add filters to SDK as I suggested here: http://www.giderosmobile.com/forum/discussion/comment/3820#Comment_3820

Video (sorry for poor quality):

Flash version: http://solitairemasters.com/wp/games/power-solitaire/

And some screenshots
512 x 384 - 109K
512 x 384 - 85K
512 x 384 - 88K
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