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[Solved] APK corrupt or crashes - how to debug? — Gideros Forum

[Solved] APK corrupt or crashes - how to debug?

hotbutteredhotbuttered Member
edited October 2018 in Bugs and issues
I've finally reached the stage where I'd like to build an APK for my game and install it to my device. I've tried the instructions at http://docs.giderosmobile.com/deployment.html but I always get one of two errors when I open the created APK on my device:

"App not installed. The package appears to be corrupt." (Happens when I try direct export)

Or, the app installs successfully, but when I open it, it stops immediately after the Gideros logo is displayed. (Happens when I use Android Studio to create the APK)

Is there a way I can access some logging or debug output in order to troubleshoot so that I can figure out what the problem is?



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