I wanted to create my own circle class but I thought it would be cool to extend a little bit to have an extra feature I can play with.
Maybe someone else find it useful
I used method that has been shown on the forum to fake anti-aliasing
its not perfect yet, I couldn't find easy way of calculating normal offsets as this is not in my domain
Circle = Core.class(Mesh)
function Circle:init(__, r, COLOR, STEPs, PULL, CUT)
local r1 = r -- h radius
local r2 = r -- v radius
local STEPS = STEPs or math.floor((math.pi/4)*r)
local COLOR = COLOR or 0
local PULL = PULL or 0
local cut = CUT or 2
if STEPS < 3 then STEPS = 3 end
if PULL > r then PULL = 0
elseif PULL > 0 then
if CUT then
while STEPS%cut ~= 0 do
elseif STEPS%2 ~= 0 then STEPS+=1 end
local c = {}
local v = {}
local ind = {}
local _i = 0
local _l = 0
local ou = 2
local step = math.pi/(STEPS/2)
local pull = 0
v[#v+1] = 0; v[#v+1] = 0
c[#c+1]= COLOR; c[#c+1]= 1
--for i=step,PI*2, step do -- buggy cuz of infinite PI
for i=1, STEPS do
if _l%cut==0 then pull = PULL else pull = 0 end
v[#v+1] = (r1-pull)*math.cos(i*step)
v[#v+1] = (r2-pull)*math.sin(i*step)
v[#v+1] = (r1-pull+ou)*math.cos(i*step)
v[#v+1] = (r2-pull+ou)*math.sin(i*step)
c[#c+1]= COLOR
c[#c+1]= 1
c[#c+1]= COLOR
c[#c+1]= 0.0
ind[#ind+1] = _i+3
ind[#ind+1] = _i+5
ind[#ind+1] = _i+4
ind[#ind+1] = _i+4
ind[#ind+1] = _i+3
ind[#ind+1] = _i+2
ind[#ind+1] = _i+4
ind[#ind+1] = _i+2
ind[#ind+1] = 1
_i = _i+2
self:setVertexArray( v )
self:setIndexArray( ind )
self:setColorArray( c )
end |
-added setColor function
-new parameters are needed:
r1,r2 so you can make oval shape, wid,hid are going to resize it in between corners, if u still want just circle they need to be zeros
Circle = Core.class(Mesh)
function Circle:init(__, r1,r2, WID, HID, COLOR, ALPHA, STEPs, PULL, CUT)
local STEPS = STEPs or (r*2)/3
local COLOR = COLOR or 0
local PULL = PULL or 0
local cut = CUT or 2
if STEPS < 3 then STEPS = 3 end
if PULL > r1 then PULL = 0
elseif PULL > 0 then
while STEPS%cut ~= 0 do
self.c = {}
local v = {}
local ind = {}
local _i = 0
local _l = 0
local ou = 1
local step = math.pi/(STEPS/2)
local pull = 0
local xpull = 0
local ypull = 0
local widen = WID or 0
local heden = HID or 0
v[#v+1] = 0; v[#v+1] = 0
self.c[#self.c+1]= COLOR; self.c[#self.c+1]= ALPHA
for i=1, STEPS do
if _l%cut==0 then pull = PULL else pull = 0 end
local COS = math.cos(i*step)
local SIN = math.sin(i*step)
if COS > 0 then xpull = widen/2
elseif COS < 0 then xpull = -widen/2 else xpull = 0 end
if SIN > 0 then ypull = heden/2
elseif SIN < 0 then ypull = -heden/2 else ypull = 0 end
v[#v+1] = (r1-pull)* COS +xpull
v[#v+1] = (r2-pull)* SIN +ypull
v[#v+1] = (r1-pull+ou)* COS +xpull
v[#v+1] = (r2-pull+ou)* SIN +ypull
self.c[#self.c+1]= COLOR
self.c[#self.c+1]= ALPHA
self.c[#self.c+1]= 0--0xaa0055
self.c[#self.c+1]= 0
ind[#ind+1] = _i+3
ind[#ind+1] = _i+5
ind[#ind+1] = _i+4
ind[#ind+1] = _i+4
ind[#ind+1] = _i+3
ind[#ind+1] = _i+2
ind[#ind+1] = _i+4
ind[#ind+1] = _i+2
ind[#ind+1] = 1
_i = _i+2
self:setVertexArray( v )
self:setIndexArray( ind )
self:setColorArray( self.c )
function Circle:setColor(c,a)
local a = a or 1
self.c[1] = c; self.c[2] = a
for i=3, #self.c, 4 do
self.c[i+0] = c
self.c[i+1] = a
self:setColorArray( self.c )
end |
usage example:
local c = Circle.new(false, 80, 0xffaa55,9,50)
local c2 = Circle.new(false, 80, 0xffaa55)
local c1 = Circle.new(false, 80, 0xffaa55,80,10,8)
local c1 = Circle.new(false, 80, 0xffaa55,100,5)
stage:addChild(c1) |
@gemboy100 super!!
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Also I like the fact that meshes can be extended to support gradients
testing speed performance
200 circles using this method vs. 200 path2d circles is around the same ~50 fps on sony m4 aqua
[EDIT] Actually increasing number of copies to 500 caused path2d to drop to 13 fps on mobile, 60 fps on my old pc
And mesh circle stays at 50 fps mobile, 250 old pc
I think path2d creates too many segments to achieve smoothness even for small objects
Is there a way to render mesh or path2d into Bitmaps to achieve best speed performance( or create effects for bacground)?
Likes: SinisterSoft, gemboy100
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
r1,r2 so you can make oval shape, wid,hid are going to resize it in between corners, if u still want just circle they need to be zeros
Likes: keszegh, oleg, pie, totebo, antix, MoKaLux
so much more comfortable
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Thanks for sharing!
Likes: vitalitymobile
Added update to first post
Likes: antix, vitalitymobile, MoKaLux
Likes: MoKaLux