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What are the core benefits you feel Gideros delivers better than other development systems ? — Gideros Forum

What are the core benefits you feel Gideros delivers better than other development systems ?

SinisterSoftSinisterSoft Maintainer
edited January 2020 in Announcements
We need to know why you picked Gideros - not particular features, rather what benefit you gain from using it rather than something else. What is Gideros 'better' at than the competition? Maybe it does something unique?

This is open to anyone - there are no 'silly' answers, we want to know what you think. :)

Likes: MobAmuse

Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!).
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